Elatior begonias (Begonia x hiemalis) adorn houses across a lot of the United States, as these flowering crops are accessible year round from florists and green houses. Typically developed as a summer this plant may be grown outside in a area.
Elatior begonias prosper in violet soil blend, however you can make your own. Mix 2 parts potting soil, 2 parts leaf mould, 1 part perlite and one part aquarium charcoal. Add a couple of fir bark to the combination and blend properly. Before using moisten the mixture.
Elatior begonias choose bright, indirect light. Place the plant near an window from direct sunlight when developed inside. Foliage scalds effortlessly in the sunshine, and these tender crops may be damaged by over-heating. Place your begonia in a area outside temperatures stay above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fertilize begonia elatior every two months throughout the winter using a -free water soluble fertilizer. Increase fertilizer to a week throughout the summer when the plant is actively developing. As nutrients leach through the soil with each watering plants generally need regular applications of fertilizer. Water your crops before applying fertilizer to decrease the threat of damage to the roots.
Elatior begonias choose soil that doesn’t dry between waterings. Check the soil frequently to decide the most useful program for the plant. If summered outside, they might need watering during warm spells — particularly. To examine the soil, insert your finger to the soil to a depth of 1-inch. In the event the soil feels dry, watering is needed by your begonia.
Cut Elatior begonias again to your height of 2 to 4″ after blooming. This revitalizes the plant and forces a new development. A flush of blooms on average follows within several weeks. Cuttings in a vase of water or moist sand creates crops that are new just like the authentic. Once roots are 1inch long pot the cutting in personal pots.