When the sunny days of summer pass, many flowering plants lose their leaves and also cease to bloom. Gardens can become dull and colorless — particularly rose gardens. Fortunately, certain varieties of roses can be found which make blossoms throughout the fall — or even always year around — even though seasonal changes.
Hybrid Tea
Hybrid tea roses (Rosa hybrid tea), which grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 5 to 10, will bloom in spurts or always year round in temperate climates. Bushes are narrow and reach up to 6 feet tall, depending on the cultivar and growing conditions, and also create large buds on straight, long stems. Varieties include “Mister Lincoln” (Rosa hybrid tea “Mister Lincoln”), which produces fragrant red flowers, “Sheer Bliss” (Rosa hybrid “Sheer Bliss”), together with aromatic white flowers and “Tiffany” (Rosa hybrid tea “Tiffany”), which blossoms in fragrant pink flowers.
Hardy floribunda roses (Rosa floribunda), located in USDA zones 4 through 8, are related to the hybrid tea rose but create profuse clusters of flowers instead of single-stemmed roses. Deciduous except in mild climates in which they could stay evergreen, floribundas develop as bushes that reach 2 to 5 feet in height, depending on the cultivar. They’re easy to grow and come in a broad selection of colours, a number of them fragrant. Over 14,000 varieties are available to select from, for example, best-seller “Iceberg” (Rosa floribunda “Iceberg”), which produces white flowers, “Easy Going” (Rosa floribunda “Easy Going”), which blossoms in yellow, and “Sexy Rexy” (Rosa Floribunda “Sexy Rexy”), which has pink flowers.
Grandiflora roses (Rosa grandiflora), which are observed in USDA zones 4 to 9, are a cross between the hybrid tea and floribunda. Possessing the best attributes of every one, they develop as tall bushes, reaching up to ten feet in height, and also create clusters of flowers in the end of long stems. They bloom more frequently than hybrid tea roses, creating flowers year around. Colors include the pink “Queen Elizabeth” (Rosa grandiflora “Queen Elizabeth”), the very first of all kinds of grandiflora, the yellow “Gold Medal” (Rosa grandiflora “Gold Medal”) along with the red “Enjoy” (Rosa grandiflora “Love”).
Climbing Roses
The large-flowered variety of climbing rose (Rosa climbing) blossoms during the summer and fall seasons. Possessing thick, sturdy canes, they can be trained to grow on trellises, fences or arbors. Left alone, they develop as arching shrubs or ground cover. Several varieties are available to develop in USDA zones 4 to 11, including the vibrant “Joseph’s Coat” (Rosa climbing “Joseph’s Coat”), which produces changing shades of crimson, pink, orange and yellow, “Blue Moon” (Rosa scaling “Blue Moon”), which flowers in fragrant lavender-blue shade along with the “Passion” (Rosa scaling “Peace”), which produces fragrant yellow flowers with pink borders.
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