How Foreclosure Delaying Services Work

Struggling homeowners that want to keep their homes have several options for delaying foreclosure. As the number of foreclosures nationwide increased throughout the housing market fall, more foreclosure delay or “property retention services” and businesses came into existence. Foreclosure delay providers utilize every lawful way, including filing suits, to put off a homeowner’s foreclosure for as long as possible. With sufficient time, a homeowner in foreclosure may have the ability to block the procedure.

Nonjudicial Foreclosure Delay

Most foreclosure delay providers utilize lawyers to challenge bank foreclosure procedures by searching for foreclosure errors. Foreclosure delay providers in California, for instance, may challenge foreclosing lenders above lost paperwork and lost promissory notes. But states like California allow nonjudicial or non-court-ordered foreclosures using trustees, and such trustees generally take good care to avoid legal errors in foreclosures.


Judicial foreclosure is the other form of foreclosure employed with lenders. In judicial or court-facilitated vandalism, foreclosure delay support lawyers work to delay foreclosure instances employing procedural challenges. Normally, foreclosure delay service lawyers first record written answers for their clients, which can buy an additional 30 to 60 days. In addition they record for continuances or time to prepare foreclosure guards for their clients. Judges often grant these types of continuances.


Legal struggles to foreclosure cases filed by lenders are common delaying tactics. Legal challenges in foreclosure cases comprise for authority, especially when out of state lenders are involved. Foreclosure delay service lawyers challenging lenders over authority usually ask that county courts move these cases to the federal courts. Lawyers may also challenge a lender’s legal standing by forcing the lender to prove it really possesses the loan.

Buying Homeowners Time

Foreclosure delay providers are just that — and they don’t generally get foreclosures canceled altogether. They can buy critical time for homeowners facing imminent foreclosure to find workable foreclosure alternatives. With sufficient time, a homeowner facing foreclosure could lineup mortgage reinstatement funding using state-offered grants, for example. Foreclosure delay also can give struggling homeowners sufficient time to find buyers or at least an alternate living arrangement.

Other Alternatives

Even though it can be a drastic measure, filing for bankruptcy can delay a busy foreclosure case. Both Chapter 7 liquidation and Chapter 13 reorganization bankruptcy feature automatic stays that halt all creditor collection activities, including foreclosure sales. Using Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a homeowner could even permanently stop foreclosure working with a three- to five-year repayment program. Through Chapter 13 bankruptcy’s repayment period, delinquent mortgage payments plus lender lending costs can be gradually mortgages and repaid reinstated.

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