How to Clean Marble Stains With Peroxide

Marble is durable and has a distinctive, classic look. Whether it is on a table or countertop, daily exposure to average household living may cause it to develop stains. On white marble, the staining is particularly noticeable. A high-strength hydrogen peroxide, such as a 12-percent alternative, removes some kinds of stains from light-colored marble. Materials that can be removed with peroxide include some inks from pens and markers, stains from mildew, moss or algae, and stains left behind from liquids such as tea or coffee.

Pour a small quantity of peroxide straight onto an ink stain made from a pen or marker. Permit the peroxide to sit until the stain seems to be dissolving; check it every 10 minutes or so. Absorb the fluid by blotting it with a soft rag. Then wipe it with a moist sponge. If the stain remains evident, continue to Step 2.

Create a paste and poultice for a deep-set or difficult stain by pouring several tablespoons of peroxide to a small container. Add a few drops of honey, followed by a tbsp or so of baking soda or talc, adding a little at a time until the consistency is like creamy peanut butter when stirred with a spoon.

Scoop and smooth the paste over the stain with the spoon, making an even layer at least 1/4-inch thick, extending slightly beyond the stain.

Cover the whole paste, and a little beyond that, using a piece of plastic wrapped smoothed over the surface. Tape down the borders with painter’s tape.

Remove the plastic wrap after a day; enable the paste to harden and dry. Wipe the paste with a damp sponge, then rub on the marble using distilled water. Buff the area using a soft cloth after wiping it with a moist sponge.

Repeat the poultice process several more times when the stain remains evident.

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