Reproduction of all Seedless Fruit Trees

Seedless fruits are a relatively new occurrence in the plant world, developed to appeal to consumers who love the fruit but do not enjoy picking out the seeds. Many fruit trees are propagated by grafting or from cuttings. These asexual methods are employed for fruit trees without seeds in addition to for many using seeds. Grafting or propagation from cuttings creates a fresh tree genetically identical to the parent plant, a desirable outcome for obtaining a reliable fruit harvest.

A Seedless Fruit

Seedless fruits are a rarity in nature along with a negative trait for survival of the species, at least once not cared for a gardener. The incidence of seedless fruits is called parthenocarpy, meaning that the virgin fruit. Growers and plant breeders, comprehending the market appeal of a fruit, take naturally happening seedless fruits and breed them through asexual propagation methods to produce a lineup of fruit trees that produce fruits without seeds.


Having a seedless fruit, sexual propagation is from the question. That leaves methods of asexual propagation to continue to breed fruit trees using the desirable trait of seedless fruits. Grafting is the most important method used to spread fruit trees. A slip small slip of a bud is taken in the desirable tree and grafted onto the rootstock of a youthful, compatible sapling. The young sapling stipulates the roots of this tree and trunk, while the branches and fruits possess the genetic material of the desired tree. Different types of grafting include bud grafting, bark grafting and cleft grafting.


Rooting cuttings is a very simple process that is employed for many kinds of seedless and seed-bearing fruit trees. A youthful branch is taken out of the desirable tree and also rooted in a container, nursery bed or greenhouse. When powerful, new roots develop from the base of the cutting in the leaf node. Gentle wood, hardwood and semi-hardwood cuttings are used, depending on the time of year along with the type of fruit tree. The distinction between the kinds of cuttings relies on the age of the selected branch used for propagation.


Layering is a method of asexual propagation that uses similar principles as rooting cuttings. A youthful elastic branch in a ripe fruit tree is bent down to the soil. A small part of this division is injured and treated with rooting compound and then buried beneath the soil. The section of this division that’s from the dirt sets roots. At this point, the branch is cut out from the parent tree and tucked into a nursery bed.

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