How to Avoid Scale on Pool Tiles

Scale deposits can appear as gray, white or brown stains in your own pool tiles. PH levels could cause calcium carbonate shape these stains that are unsightly and to separate from the water. Standard pool maintenance together with balancing the water can restore the health of your pool water and protect against scale buildup that is potential. You can find the majority of the things you will need to stop scale at a pool store.

Test the alkalinity and calcium hardness levels in the pool water using a water testing kit. It is also possible to bring a water sample into your own pool dealer for testing. For most pools, total alkalinity levels must vary between 80 and 100 parts per million. If the total alkalinity is too low, add sodium bicarbonate. When it’s too large, add muriatic acid.Turn the pump off and add the chemical slowly in different regions of the water. Turn on the pump and permit the water to circulate prior to testing the water again.

Test the pH levels of the pool . The ideal pH range is between 7.2 and 7.4. Insert pH balancer into the pool water according to the package directions to correct the pH levels as needed.

Eliminate from the pool tiles across the water line utilizing a mixture of vinegar and water. Apply this solution directly to the scale using a spray bottle or sponge. Scrub the scale thoroughly. For scale, commercial pool cleaner can be used by you or descaler and wash it with a stone. Contact your pool dealer if the scale won’t come off.

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