How to Plant Tomatoes & Brussel Sprouts

Tomatoes and brussel sprouts are believed to be “opponents,” and popular information, from both academics and gardeners, is to separate both of these crops. Tomatoes are well known to be heavy feeders. Brussel sprouts come in the Brassica family, also heavy feeders. These two competing plants may soften all of nutrients if planted together in precisely the exact same bed. Additionally, in Mediterranean climates with mild winters, brussel sprouts are implanted substantially later than strawberries and therefore are harvested in winter. Brussel sprouts harvested at warmer times of the year may be bitter and undesirable.

Select the place for both plants at the onset of the growing season. Tomatoes and brussel sprouts should be implanted in separate beds. Both places should get whole sun. When the places are chosen, wait till midspring to plant your tomatoes, then once the soil is warming and nights have been frost-free.

Amend the soil in the tomato planting bed with 10-10-10 fertilizer. If the soil is clayey, amend it with organic matter to improve drainage.

Select your tomato seedlings in the nursery. Seedlings should not have tomatoes on them at the time of planting.

Dig holes for tomato seedlings using a trowel. Plant seedlings 18 to 36 inches apart, depending on the expected size of the adult plant. Plants that produce smaller tomatoes are normally smaller adult crops, and plants which produce larger tomatoes are normally larger adult crops.

Insert tomato seedlings into the holes, and water greatly.

Mulch around the base of the tomato seedlings to conserve moisture. Tomatoes need frequent watering and heavy fertilization because they continue to develop.

Wait till August to prepare the bed for brussel sprouts. Amend the soil with a 10-10-10 fertilizer. Amend the soil with organic matter in the event the soil heavy or clayey.

Select your brussel sprout seedlings from the nursery. Seedlings should have four to six leaves on them at the time of planting.

Dig a hole for every seedling working with a trowel. Seedlings should be spaced approximately 18 inches apart.

Insert each seedling into each accessible hole, and water greatly.

Spread mulch around the base of each plant to conserve moisture. Brussel sprouts need infrequent but heavy watering and heavy fertilization because they continue to develop.

Switch beds in the subsequent calendar year, planting strawberries in which brussel sprouts were implanted, and brussel sprouts where tomatoes were implanted. This prevents the spread of diseases from one year to the next.

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