Old Toilets vs. New

The largest difference between older toilets and also the models available today is the total amount of water that they use. Toilets manufactured after 1992 need less than half as much water per use as many older units, while providing a much better flush and new convenience features. For the best choices in toilets, look for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense tag, which will help you save money on your water and sewage bills but also point you to models that meet some high performance standards.

Flushing History

Household baths made between 1980 and 1992 flushed the bowl using the gravitational force of 2.5 to 3.6 gallons of water, which meant that the average homeowner used up to 18.8 gallons of water each day. A bathroom manufactured before 1980 may use 5 to 8 gallons per flush (gpf), which means that all the house’s residents may be flushing 48 gallons of water down the drain each day. By contrast, a bathroom built to 1992 standards utilizes 1.6 gpf, along with the average flusher uses approximately 9.1 gallons of water each day.

WaterSense and Sensibility

Ancient models of water-conserving toilets didn’t always work nicely. When creating the WaterSense tag, the EPA included some important performance benchmarks so consumers could trust these water-saving models also completed at least as well as the older toilets they would replace. Before toilets can earn the WaterSense tag, they’re rigorously tested to confirm they utilize 1.28 gpf or less, and to confirm that they completely flush solid waste cleanly and effectively.

Looking Under The Lid

Old fashioned toilets relied on a simple valve and flapper mechanics due to their 3.6 gallon flush. Today’s toilets have been re-engineered to create a much better flush with water. That is as straightforward as rerouting the water’s swirl patter in the bowl to boost its cleaning speed. Other models have eliminated the valve and flapper combo in favor of an internal bucket that’s dumped all at once to create increased force. Additionally, there are vacuum-assisted and pressure-assisted models that supplement gravity by forcing water aggressively through the bowl. Dual-flush toilets use two buttons so that users can pick a low-volume flush for a greater quantity flush for solids.

Added Features

Automatic flushing has made its way from the industrial bathroom to the residential, and also the narrower handicapped-accessible models used in public restrooms are now commonly available as well. Luxurious features include built-in air fresheners and automatic bowl cleansing. Other features might seem extravagant, like integrated seats that automatically lower and raise, a built-in night light, and remote-control bidet and seat heating. Health-oriented toilets can automatically quantify key diagnostic metrics including blood pressure and fever.

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